Diabetes can knock your feet

With over one-third of North Americans suffering from diabetes, everybody on the continent is affected. Diabetes is a universal disease that can afflict anyone, regardless of one’s age, weight, gender or race. And the number of diabetes is on the rise. Despite this, most people are still unaware of just how widespread diabetes is, and…

Yoga poses to help you stretch

Western science is starting to provide some concrete clues as to how yoga works to improve health, heal aches and pains, and keep sickness at bay. With these yoga poses you can also improve flexibility and treat some foot problems like plantas fasciitis, sesamoiditis and heel pain. Take 15 to 30 minutes to do these…

How to determine “Flatfoot”

Present Methods of Studying The Foot There is no part of the human body so subject to deformities as the foot, yet there is no part of the body of which the estimation of deformities is so inaccurate and vague. The most common deformity that we see is flat foot, yet the diagnosis of flat…

4 Training Tips

Last month was the New York City Marathon and a lot of New Yorkers participate showing how important is to exercise, so if you are one of those lucky people here are some recommendations you should consider that will prevent running injuries.  In New York Foot Experts there are not only foot specialists there are…

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a nerve injury caused by diabetes. When it affects arms, hands, legs and feet; we are talking about diabetic peripheral neuropathy.  There are 3 different groups of nerves that can be affected by diabetic neuropathy: the sensory nerves, the motor nerves and the autonomic nerve. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy usually develops slowly and…


Parents always worry about flat feet, but what they don’t know is that flat feet are normal in infants, children and adults. Special shoes or exercises do not produce an arch in a child with a flexible flatfoot at the end. Indeed, one in five children never develops an arch and most adults have no…


Sesamoids are bones that are are connected to tendons or are embedded in muscle. There are three seasomids, the kneecap (patella) is the largest and two other very small are in the underside of the forefoot near the great toe. Sesamoids provide a smooth surface over which the tendons slide; therefore it raises the ability…


It is known that heels hurt but they’re also bad to our feet, they cause corns and callouses, bunions and even back problems, so we made a post about how heels really hurt you. Lately researches suggests that wearing those stylish pumps may lead to pain and problems from your hips to your toes Shortened…

Myths about Feet

We show you 4 of the most common myths about feet. Men´s Shoe Size We all know that American bodies are getting bigger, but what about our feet? In the United States, the best-selling shoe size is 8.5 for women and 10.5 for men. Those are both up a full size from 30 years ago,…


In a life time, an average person will take 128,000kms in steps. To have an idea, that’s more than three times around the earth. Watch for early signs of bunions or hammertoes, they are a possible sign of arch or metatarsal problems. When you see soreness or feel burning sensation in the ball of the…