Diabetes can knock your feet

With over one-third of North Americans suffering from diabetes, everybody on the continent is affected. Diabetes is a universal disease that can afflict anyone, regardless of one’s age, weight, gender or race. And the number of diabetes is on the rise. Despite this, most people are still unaware of just how widespread diabetes is, and…

Types of Foot Surgery

There are surgeries that are needed to realign toes, eliminate bunions and nerves. These modern foot surgeries are very common and they are typically done at out-patient facilities, this post is brought to you thanks to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. BUNIONECTOMY A bunionectomy is the procedure that removes the “hallux valgus,” what we…

Fun Facts about your Feet

Your feet by the Numbers: There are 66 joints on your feet; more than 200 muscles, ligaments and tendons. There are also 52 bones (what means that 1/4 of all your bones are only on your feet) and 25000 sweat glands (which mean that feet sweat half a pint in a day). Do you know…

Ankle Sprain Problems

Like most injuries, ankle sprains can differ extensively in severity of pain as well as recovery time. Some ankle sprain will reach a full recovery by simply keeping weight off of the injured ankle until it has had time to heal; in other cases treatment in required to properly heal a sprained ankle.  If you…

Yoga poses to help you stretch

Western science is starting to provide some concrete clues as to how yoga works to improve health, heal aches and pains, and keep sickness at bay. With these yoga poses you can also improve flexibility and treat some foot problems like plantas fasciitis, sesamoiditis and heel pain. Take 15 to 30 minutes to do these…

Plantar Fasciitis and Hurting Heels

Heel pain is the #1 foot problem in America. 2,000,000 people suffer from heel problems every year and 10% of the American population experiences heel pain. A very interesting fact is that 60 tons of stress are placed on feet during every mile walked and that the heel strikes the ground 1,500 times per mile…

Remedies to prevent sweaty stinky feet

Your kitchen is full of natural home remedies that can help banish foot odor. Remove odor from feet: Salt. Salt has a drying effect on the skin, so do as when go to the beach; dip your feet on salty water. Use ½ a cup of kosher salt (it has larger crystals than ordinary table…

How to get rid of stinky feet?

Why do feet stinks & how to get rid of it. Most of us are familiar with foot odor, but have you notice some have a stronger odor than the rest? Well this common phenomenon is produced by bacteria, but don´t freak out it´s normal to have bacteria in our skin, the problem arises when…

How to determine “Flatfoot”

Present Methods of Studying The Foot There is no part of the human body so subject to deformities as the foot, yet there is no part of the body of which the estimation of deformities is so inaccurate and vague. The most common deformity that we see is flat foot, yet the diagnosis of flat…

4 Training Tips

Last month was the New York City Marathon and a lot of New Yorkers participate showing how important is to exercise, so if you are one of those lucky people here are some recommendations you should consider that will prevent running injuries.  In New York Foot Experts there are not only foot specialists there are…